Quase lá: Self-care, care among activists

Self-care, care among activists

168 Baixados

Self-care, care among activists

Published in 2016 flyer Self-care, care among activists situates the new field of action of CFEMEA, inaugurated in 2015 and oriented towards the sustainability of activism. In the folder we present what is our approach in working on self-care and care among activists, what we see as a problem that we are responding to and through which actions. Care among activists and self-care constitute the way to the social transformation that we mobilize and in which we invest. It is a condition for the process of individual self-growth, the creation of bonds between activists and the strengthening of the collective political players that women establish. It is in itself a strategy for protection and empowerment of women. It is the way we choose to deal with emergencies, without giving-up on and confirming our feminist and anti-racist strategies.


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